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 Ideal Team

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Ideal Team Empty
PostSubject: Ideal Team   Ideal Team EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 6:38 pm

You've got teh hax and get a full team of 6 at level 100. Who are they? No legendaries.

1: Gyarados: cuz I do already and it's awesome.
2: Bronzong w/ levitation ability: total. friggin'. tank.
3: Smugleaf: cuz it's a pokemon with a popped collar. Also I needed a grass type.
4: Magmar: since he's cool.
5: Electabuzz: see above.
6: Dragonair: It's a great sweeper.
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Captain Diamonds

Captain Diamonds

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Ideal Team Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ideal Team   Ideal Team EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 6:50 pm

The ultimate team.

1: Magikarp
2: Magikarp
3: Magikarp
4: Magikarp
5: Magikarp
6: Magikarp

1: Teach them all hydro pump, earthquake, hyper beam and faint attack.

2: They won't expect it.

3: ????

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Ideal Team Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ideal Team   Ideal Team EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 7:24 pm

Captain Falc0wn wrote:
The ultimate team.

1: Magikarp
2: Magikarp
3: Magikarp
4: Magikarp
5: Magikarp
6: Magikarp

1: Teach them all hydro pump, earthquake, hyper beam and faint attack.

2: They won't expect it.

3: ????


HAX!!! Also, good choice.
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Ideal Team Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ideal Team   Ideal Team EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 9:05 pm

1 Charzard : Cause hes awesome, and I can still remember leveling up my Charmander on the original Red version.....(sigh) ...(nostalga-fag moment).....on top of all that some days i just wanna watch the world burn....
2 Gengar : That easy smile , those eyes ..... how could I resist him????
3 Voltorb : Self Destruct . That is all
4 Arcanine : Because I couldn't call myself a Fire type trainer without one
5 Syther : Gotta counter water types somehow .....might as well be with someone who has SCYTHES FOR HANDS!!!!
6 Hitmonchamp : Just to say I had my Pokemon punch yours till it Fainted.

(I tried to keep it to Red and Gold (the only ones ive played) so keep that in mind)
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Ideal Team Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ideal Team   Ideal Team EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 9:47 pm

St2udent wrote:
1 Charzard : Cause hes awesome, and I can still remember leveling up my Charmander on the original Red version.....(sigh) ...(nostalga-fag moment).....on top of all that some days i just wanna watch the world burn....
2 Gengar : That easy smile , those eyes ..... how could I resist him????
3 Voltorb : Self Destruct . That is all
4 Arcanine : Because I couldn't call myself a Fire type trainer without one
5 Syther : Gotta counter water types somehow .....might as well be with someone who has SCYTHES FOR HANDS!!!!
6 Hitmonchamp : Just to say I had my Pokemon punch yours till it Fainted.

(I tried to keep it to Red and Gold (the only ones ive played) so keep that in mind)

Ground types and flying. that and why do you want your pokeman to be an hero, why do you need an arcanine if you've already got Charizard, and Scyther is a bug type, not water or grass.
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Location : On the Highway to Hell

Ideal Team Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ideal Team   Ideal Team EmptyMon Dec 06, 2010 1:31 am

Need Help ???

Time for

Ideal Team 12915811

Advice Oak
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Ideal Team Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ideal Team   Ideal Team EmptyMon Dec 06, 2010 10:25 am

[img]Ideal Team Missin10[/img]
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Ideal Team Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ideal Team   Ideal Team Empty

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