At first there was nothing, only DIAMONDS. DIAMONDS was displeased with the blandness of the nothing. So he looked upon the nothing and he said "Show me yo moves." And then the nothing showed him it's moves by exploding. And thus the universe was formed. DIAMONDS saw this and said "YES!" He saw this and it was good.
DIAMONDS is pleased that his universe has created such a forum as this.
He is very honored to be here. But a word of caution. If you cross DIAMONDS too far, he will DIAMOND punch you out of existence, over the internet. Your screen will catch flame with my burning rage, and the fire will take a DIAMOND form...Then it will be less than seconds before my almighty fist, plunges through your screen and in your face. The impact force will be so much it will split every atom in every bit of solid matter and air in your abode, causing a nuclear blast that will likely wipe out your neighborhood if not half the universe, due to the awesome powers of the punch.
But...DIAMONDS is very lenient and forgiving. It takes much to drive DIAMONDS to into DIAMOND smiting you by shoving his DIAMOND foot up your DIAMOND ass.
P.S In all seriousness I'm a pretty cool guy to hang out with. I love videogames, anime, and the like. I'm also good with computers and I like to program videogames in my spare time. I'm also "GOOD WITH TOOLS" as George Carlin would put it.