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 Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP?

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Posts : 241
Join date : 2010-11-17
Location : On the Highway to Hell

Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP? Empty
PostSubject: Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP?   Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP? EmptyWed Jan 19, 2011 1:36 am

Well, Ive bbeen looking around the toolbox of garrysmod , and it got me thinking.....
THeyve got quite a lot of options , skins , maps, guns, enemies and houses so...........
What do you guys think about doing a Garrys mod RP?
We all get together on one server , one of us acts as the equvialnt of the DM (setting up scenarios , controlling/ acting as an NPC )
Everyone else would just be limited to using what the DM brings into the game to survive , people would have to actually work together to get through
, relying on each others strengths and overcoming their weaknesses .

I could make a scenario for you guys if anyone's interested (we just have to find a way to make / get on a server)
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Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP?   Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP? EmptyWed Jan 19, 2011 10:16 am

I riek it! As soon as I get Garry's Mod I'm there! Can you control people in the first person there?
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Location : On the Highway to Hell

Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP?   Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP? EmptyWed Jan 19, 2011 4:27 pm

Yup, you can! (most of the editing is done in the first person too Smile
Assuming everyone knows a little bit of the Half Life universe , I could base a serious RP around that (wed post our intros here) .
Im also of thinking about making a batshit insane Garrysmod RP , complete with rocketships , flying cars and thrusters.
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Location : On the Highway to Hell

Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP?   Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP? EmptyThu Jan 20, 2011 12:39 am

Alrighty then , Capn and I 'll help you get it from Steam.
I guess Il start making it , and Il ask Video G2 what we could do to get on a server , or get our own.
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Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP?   Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP? EmptyFri Jan 21, 2011 10:07 am

Make it crazy. Moar fun that way.
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Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP?   Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP? EmptyFri Jan 21, 2011 11:50 am

Hell, we'll just all join a Gmod server and go insane, theres no need for it to be an RP!
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Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP?   Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP? EmptySun Jan 23, 2011 10:11 pm

C'mon, let's try it!
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Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP?   Hmm... Well, whatdya think? Gmod....RP? Empty

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